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Tag Archives: marketing

Newsletters can increase client engagement

What is the best way to stay in touch with your clients and customers? While social media works well for some markets, an email newsletter Read more…

With most of the United States under some degree of quarantine, organizations must pivot to remain engaged. Your organization can’t merely blast advertising and marketing Read more…

Marketers cannot effectively reach their target audiences on social media if they don’t know where these consumers spend their time. Assumptions and educated guesses typically Read more…

LinkedIn logo

Your organization can reach up to 63 percent of American professionals through LinkedIn marketing. With 663.3 million users, the world’s largest professional networking platform boasts Read more…

Digital content

The recently released “Digital 2020: Global Digital Overview Report” reinforces what marketers already know: the digital future is mobile, social and unpredictable. This comprehensive report Read more…

At Aristeen president Tracey Birkenhauer’s suggestion, Livonia, Mich. launched the Simple Recycling curbside textile recycling program on Dec. 9, 2019. This free service diverts clothing Read more…

LinkedIn small business infographic

Since LinkedIn is clearly a must-have for businesses of any size, we’ve shared “A Small Business Guide To LinkedIn,” an infographic to help you establish your business profile.